발췌 : Learn iPhone and iPad Cocos3D Game Development

I will provide you with a fair share of my game development experiences to show how interactive games are made. I believe that learning to program is not at all about memorizing API methods, yet a lot of game development books I’ve read over the past two decades follow that “reference handbook” approach. But that’s what the API documentation is for. When I started programming some 20 years ago, I thought I’d never learn to program just by looking at a huge stack of compiler reference handbooks and manuals. Back at that time, compiler manuals were still printed and, obviously, didn’t come with online versions. The World Wide Web was still in its infancy. So all that information was stacked some 15 inches high on my desk and it seemed very daunting to try to learn all of this.

Today, I still don’t recall most methods and APIs from memory, and I keep forgetting about those I used to know. I look them up time and time again. After 20 years of programming, I do know what’s really important to learn: the concepts. Good programming concepts and best practices stick around for a long time, and they help with programming in any language. Learning concepts is done best by understanding the rationale behind the choices that were made in designing, structuring, and writing the source code. That’s what I’ll focus on the most.

 푸른색으로 쓴 부분이 맘에 든다. Concept ! 프로그래밍을 오래 하면 컨셉이 중요한거 같다. 자바가 되었건 C가 되었건 Object-C ... 여러 언어를 배움에 있어서 중요한 것은 컨셉 인것 같다 하나의 컨셉을 정립하고 나의 것으로 만들 수 있는 능력이 된다면 그것은 어떤 프로그래밍 언어를 한다 하더라도 그것에 맞게끔 수정하여 적용할 수 있는 능력이 요즘 시대에 필요한것 인것 같다. API 이런것은 메뉴얼 보면 나와 있지만 어떤 제품을 만드는데 있어 그 근본이 되는 컨셉은 자신의 머리 속에만 있으니...

프로그램 언어를 배우려 하지 말고 컨셉을 배워라 ! = 나는 프로그래머다 ! 일까나.... 흠... 

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